2024 Systems Constellation Facilitation Training - NATURE CONSTELLATION MODULE - Friday Free Day Outdoors
Fri, May 24
21-Day Systems Constellation Training Francesca Mason Boring, All My Relations Constellations

Time & Location
May 24, 2024, 9:00 AM PDT
Seattle, Seattle, WA, USA
About the event
2024 Family Constellation, Community, Organizational & Nature Constellation
Facilitator Training & Personal Deepening
with Francesca Mason Boring
Seattle, Washington USA
If you have been drawn to learn how individuals can heal deep patterns that prevent them
from overcoming relationship difficulties, reaching their dreams, realizing their goals, and
expressing their values, this training is for you.
Learn how to become a family constellation and human systems constellation facilitator.
For personal deepening and professional as well as career potential, this program is organized
to minimize impact on those who are regularly employed and to foster individuals capable of
facilitating this work throughout the area. When you learn this method, you will have unique
abilities and be valuable in many settings. Start a new career, enrich your current work, or
enroll to enhance your well-being and the overall quality of your life.
Constellation Work brings energy and respect to organizations and restores love and respect in
families. Constellations move you rapidly along your personal transformative journey as you
are learning how to facilitate trans-generational healing and to create supportive dynamics in
communities and organizations. Constellation is a unique, powerful and respectful method for
working with personal and professional issues.
Program Facilitation
Francesca Mason Boring, Trainer, Family Constellation Facilitator, is an enrolled
Shoshone, bi-cultural woman, author of the Nature Constellation Handbook: An Invitation to
Connection/Remembering Nature in Systems (2022), Family Systems Constellation: In the
Company of Good People (2018), Family Systems Constellations and Other Systems
Constellation Adventures: A transformational journey (2015), Co-Editor of Returning to
Membership in Earth Community: Systemic Constellations With Nature (2013), Connecting to
Our Ancestral Past: Healing through Family Constellation, Ceremony, and Ritual (2012),
Feather Medicine (2004), Coyote Dance (2005), and Botschaften aus dem indigenen Feld
Rituelle Elemente und Zermeonien in systemaufstellungen (2009), and Walden door het
wetende veld (2011). Francesca has been a contributing author for numerous books and
articles relating to systems constellation.
Francesca is one of the most experienced facilitators of Family & Systems Constellation in
North America. Facilitating and teaching in the United States, Germany, Australia, Singapore,
Holland, Switzerland, Italy, South Africa, Bulgaria, Mexico and Canada she has collaborated
with Resources for Embodied and Ancestral Learning (REAL Academy) to provide video
content for systemic practitioners; her abilities and respect for the indigenous knowing field
have contributed to the development of Constellation as Ceremony, Community Constellations
and Nature and Environmental Constellations.
Mason Boring is a member of the International Systemic Constellations Association (ISCA).
Informed and mentored by her own indigenous elders and numerous Masters of Systems
Constellation it is her joy to encourage the expansion of systems constellation work for the
healing of individuals, families, communities and the Mother Earth.
Leslie, 2024 Training Coordinator
Leslie Ciechanowski, M.Ed., LMHC, RYT, is an Integrative Psychotherapist, Astrologer and
facilitator of Family Systems Constellation. She has been involved in the healing profession for
over 35 years with experience in astrological coaching, crisis intervention, treatment of
depression and anxiety, trauma-informed care, attachment and play therapy, and life
transitions. She has an eclectic style and has developed a clinical toolbox through extensive
training in energy psychology, EMDR, clinical and transpersonal hypnotherapy, psychodynamic
psychotherapy, internal family systems informed and sound healing. In her creative work as an
artist, Leslie created and published the Soul Navigation Cards and companion guidebook, as
another tool to access the field of knowing.
Leslie has completed two intensive trainings with Francesca Mason Boring, and an advanced
intensive training with Leslie Nips, as well additional trainings through conferences and
workshops since 2013.
This Training/Personal Deepening has two clear intentions:
1. Expose participants to as many different aspects of constellation as time allows. This may
include, but is not limited to:
• Constellation as Ceremony/Phenomenology
• Family Constellation
• Tribal Constellations
• Nature/Environmental Constellations
• Constellations in Individual Work
• Organizational Constellation
• Shoe Constellations
• Constellation as Meditation & Visualization
• Full and Partial Blind Constellations
• Ritual/Ceremony as Constellation and To Support Constellations
• Circle Technology & Universal Indigenous Technology
• Community Constellations
• Tetra Lemma and Other Deeply Structural Constellations
• Duality Constellation
• Chaos Constellation
• Literature & Resources for ongoing facilitator development
2. The second intention is that facilitators & individuals who have chosen this forum would
have the opportunity to have personal constellation work done to identify and resolve blind
spots which would hinder their ability as a facilitator and have opportunity to find the support
(via constellations and the Circle) to remove barriers which prevent them from fully enjoying a
deep sense of well-being and success in life.
This is a professional level training, offered in the Seattle area by All My Relations
Constellations and is taught in 7 three-day segments for a total of 21 days. In addition, there
will be workshop opportunities with other facilitators who offer public programs.
The program utilizes constellations, circle technology, brief presentations, group discussions,
experiential learning, structured exercises, video study, texts and skill practice sessions. There
will be hands-on constellation skill development and a thorough grounding in Constellation as
Ceremony and the Hellinger method, the wisdom of the indigenous knowing field, respect for
the client and for the field.
Students must complete a minimum of 6 training segments to obtain a certificate of
Foundation of Constellation Work
Classes and workshops are conducted in circle. Trainees will become familiar with the
principles of systemic constellation, setting up constellations, attunement to the knowing field,
the function of the circle and chair, the roles of the Facilitator, Observer and Representative,
the practice of phenomenology as well as the nature and implications of systems.
Deepening the Practice of Constellation Work
Students will experience and learn the functions of ceremony and ritual, constellations as
movement of the soul, the Orders of Love, the principles of entanglement and interrupted
reaching out, engaging and respecting the indigenous knowing field as well as other fields,
eliciting feedback, posing questions, the use of healing sentences in constellations, life and
The Art of Constellation Work
Facilitator Trainees will explore the application of constellations in families, community
situations, in businesses and in organization. Trainees will also explore the use of structural
constellation methods. The focus will be on demonstrating, discussing and synthesizing the
practice of systemic constellation work, and how to initiate transformation and healing in terms
of a broad range of family, organizational and community contexts.
TRAINING DATES: These dates are tentative and subject to change
March 22-24, 2024
Introduction to the Knowing Field, Family Constellation, Constellation
as Ceremony, personal work, structures of family systems,
April 19-21, 2024
Deepening awareness of structures and fields with Family
Constellation and Personal Work experiencing the field
May 24-26, 2024 Organizational Constellation Principles and Personal Work
June 21-23, 2024 Nature Constellation Principles and Practices and Personal Work
July 19-21, 2024
Further deepening of awareness of structures and fields with Family
Constellation and Personal Work
Aug 23-25, 2024 Community and Family Constellation and Individual Approach
Oct 11-13, 2024 Facilitating Family Systems Constellation
Note: Dates are subject to change; to register, or be notified of changes provide telephone and
email contact to: Leslie leslie@fuzionhealingarts.com (206) 334-5416.
Course tuition: A nonrefundable deposit of $200 is required to hold a space in the program.
Registration fee is $3,000.00 if paid in full before February 1, 2024. The cost is $3,200. For
payment plans, please contact us. Class size is limited, so early registration is suggested.
Certificate is available.
Location: The 2024 Facilitator Training will be held 13504 37th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98125
Systems Constellation Training
2024 - Family Constellation, Community, Organizational & Nature Constellation Facilitator Training & Personal Deepening with Francesca Mason Boring
From $3,000.00 to $3,200.00Sale ended- $3,000.00
- $3,200.00